Then on that day David first appointed that thanksgiving be sung to the LORD by Asaph and his brothers.
1 Chronicles 16:7
Father God, as I make my way to Thursday, a day designated for giving thanks here, my soul is overwhelmed with joy. As I read this verse I asked myself why David appointed that day for thanksgiving to be sung to You. The passage is clear: it is because the Ark of the Covenant was now in the city of Jerusalem. The Ark, which represented Your presence for them, was now in their midst. The symbol of Your love for them now was amongst them.
I rejoice today because I have something far greater than a box made by man. That rugged cross where Jesus freely surrendered His life is a far greater symbol of Your love for me. What’s more, through the sacrifice of my Savior, Your Son, I have my God, through the Holy Spirit, living inside of me, which guarantees that I will always be in Your presence!
As I begin this week of Thanksgiving I want to pause to thank You for the greatest gift ever bestowed upon mankind. As Your Word declares, there is no greater love that can be shown (John 15:13). And for my Savior to be thinking of me and all of us who call upon His Name, simply blows my mind. For He saw the joy that You set before Him and stuck it out for me and all who believe in Him (Hebrews 12:2). So today I just want to give You thanks for the greatest gift ever things that You have done for me through Christ Jesus. Be lifted up! Amen!