Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:2
Father God, I will be presented with multiple decisions throughout this day, opportunities to not only accomplish what I set out to do, but also to glorify Your Name amongst those whom I come into contact with. In some instances I will be challenged to weigh the cost between doing good and glorifying You and meeting the objectives that I have set for myself. To me or in my own eyes, I can honestly say that I do not want to do wrong. It is my desire to do good and to please You in all that I set out to do. I truly want to accomplish Your will in my life and the lives of those around me. Yet, I also realize that I am often posed with the decision between choosing doing “good” or choosing doing “better”, the lines of demarcation not fully clear between Your will and perfect will for my life. My soul often teeters in that space of living with Your permissive will, satisfied with the notion of not making You angry or displeasing You. I can find myself searching the Scriptures to make sure that my actions and decisions do not displease You rather than asking what most pleases You. Because of this I do not experience the fullness of Your presence in my life, settling for a lukewarm substitution, missing out on the peace that comes from walking in complete and full obedience to You. LORD, weigh the intentions of my heart today. Expose the flawed thinking that so often governs how I respond to the world and my circumstances. Show me Your more perfect way and give me the spiritual courage to resist even the slightest tendency to place “self” on the throne. You are my Lord. Knowing You and being in Your presence is the ultimate aim of my heart. I yield to You this morning. Show me the “good” that I must sacrifice in order to obtain the “better” that You have for me. Ultimately, I want the “best”, but realize it cannot happen unless I overcome this hurdle in my spiritual journey. And I cannot do this without You. Send Your wisdom, comfort and peace that I might embrace the best that You have for me today and everyday in Christ. I pray this in His Name. Amen.