November 28, 2024

And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

Revelation 19:9

Father God, today is that day where we all, once per year, gather around a table filled with food, engaging with individuals we are in relationship with, celebrating all the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us in this life. Young, old, rich and poor, we all pause in some fashion to acknowledge the good that has come our way. Whether folks acknowledge You or not, it has not escaped my attention that You have been the Source of all that is good in our lives and theirs. For this I say thank You!

Father, as I think about the eating that I will do today and the fellowship that will come along with it, there is one blessing that You have given me that I am most grateful for, one that is symbolized in this day, and it is that I have been invited to the greatest thanksgiving feast of all time! No, it’s not at family or friends’ houses. It is not even on this side of eternity. Where my mind has gone is in the end, when You, through Christ, bring all of Your plans to fruition, there a place set apart for me, and all who like me trust in Jesus, at the marriage supper of the Lamb, a place I don’t deserve but gladly lay hold of! And my seat is reserved at The Table! Hallelujah!

Father, that day is what I am living for! As the songwriter declared, “I want to see the blessed face of Him Who died for me; sacrificed His life for my liberty!” That is what I am most grateful for today. I will see Him, face-to-face, knowing Him even as He knows me (1 Corinthians 13:12). I will celebrate at the great feast, worshipping and praising You for the rest of eternity!

Father, so today, as I give thanks to You for all that You have done, know that I thank You most for the greatest Gift of all times, Jesus Christ my Lord, and His precious sacrifice on my behalf (John 3:16). Through that one selfless act I have been given an eternity of blessings! My life was not only changed, but is being transformed daily through the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Praises be to Your Name and the Lamb of God! Amen!