Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin.
Proverbs 21:4
Lord Jesus, today my soul reflects upon that fine line between godly pride and sinful pride. I confess that there are times when You have done something in me and through me, where the results numb my mind, and the thought, “I did that” rushes in causing a sense of pride to well up within my heart. This morning I can see that there is indeed a very fine line between me humbly recognizing that it was You at work in the moment and me seizing the credit. The line is even further blurred the more that it moves into the areas where You have gifted me, where I easily and without much thought exercise innate talents and gifts gleaning expected results and the applause of people. It is in those instances that a false humility can well up within me, causing me to give You the credit with my lips while my heart savors the accolades. Lord, Your Word says that is sin. I confess it and ask Your forgiveness this morning. Give me the discernment to know when I am walking close to that line and grant me the resolve to pull back from it, hiding in Your shadow, realizing and acknowledging that though I may own the effort, the results are always Yours. Lord, to You and You alone belongs the credit for what I have accomplished or shall accomplish. Today and everyday I give it to You. Thank You for using me, broken as I am, to do some good and in a way that makes me feel good, loved, and valued. I appreciate it and am grateful. And to You I give the credit. Amen.