Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
Father, use me today to encourage someone in their walk with You. Give me the words to remind them that You have not forgotten us, pointing them to Your loving kindness and care for all who love You. Help me to bring to their remembrance Your overarching sovereignty, reminding them that nothing comes our way unless it first passes through Your hands, and like Job, we too will know You better because of it and be blessed on the other side of adversity. Through Your Holy Spirit give me the wisdom to not only know what needs to be said, but also the courage and timing to say it when it needs to be said. Let Your love pour down on me in such abundance that I am overwhelmed not only by Your presence but also by Your power at work in me and through me. As my soul sings songs praising Your Name and Your masterful work in my life, help me, through the joy that I have, to lighten the burdens that those around me may be carrying, reminding them that You are indeed an awesome God, who not only answers prayers, but supplies all that we stand in the need of. LORD, I worship You this morning. I thank You for giving me a glimmer of Your glory, so much so that I am addicted to Your love! I bless You today! I thank You for all You have done for me. Be exalted this day that everyone might know that You are God! I pray this in Jesus’ Name!