November 6, 2023

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17

Father God, as I embark on the things that I will engage in today, I pray for the strength and resolve to do what I do in a manner that brings You glory. Give me a mind not to think about myself first, but instead to think on You and what You would require of me, reminding me that it is not about me but instead is about Your glory. Give me the patience not to take shortcuts, but cause me to overflow with a willingness to endure hardships and difficulties today in order that You might be glorified by all I say and do. Help me to guard my tongue that I might only speak blessings into the lives of others, not sniping them from a distance or tearing down their character behind their backs. Remind me that I have been called to be a blessing to others, demonstrating Your love for them in a tangible way. Give me a heart to lend a helping hand whenever possible, sacrificing my personal comfort for the comfort of others. And in the tasks that I engage in, whether with family, at work, at play or in the class, let me do so to the best of my ability, pointing my successes to You, Who enables me to exceed my capabilities. LORD, who I am and what I have is because of You. Today, I surrender it all back to Your service. Use it and me to glorify Yourself in Jesus’ Name. Amen.