October 1, 2024

The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John 3:29-30

Lord Jesus, as the songwriter declared, You are the center of my joy! In You and by You I find all that makes life worth living. Even as John acknowledged Your majesty, so do I, falling at Your feet in wonder and amazement. My soul finds its purpose in praising and lifting You up, my heart set alight with a burning passion to please You. You are the great Bridegroom, betrothed by the Father to wed the Church, Your bride, whom You have redeemed, cleaned up and clothed in Your bloodstained garment. And my Lord, my heart is humbled and celebrates the fact that I am counted worthy to be declared Yours! Who would do such a thing for one such as I? I don’t deserve it! But today I gladly receive it. Hallelujah!

My King, I decrease today that You might increase. I put to the side my pride, personal esteem, and ego. I cast at Your feet my achievements, accolades, and prizes. I declare before all who will listen that You are my all-in-all, plus nothing. In You and by You I have my being. All that I am and all that I hope to ever be is bound up in You. You are my Lord, Savior, King, and Lover of my soul! You are the Source of my joy! 

Today I plunge into it as a diver plunges into the ocean, covering my body with the surrounding elements. I hold fast to that joy, remembering Who You are that I might never forget Whose I am. Let Your joy pour out of me like a floodgate and consume those who are around me, that You might become the source of their joy. To You be the glory! Amen!