To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:27
Father God, my soul bows in awe of You and Your glorious plans! As if it was not enough for You to reveal the mystery of the gospel – that is in the sacrifice of One lay the redemption of all – You have compounded the wonder of it all by bestowing the riches of Your glory in the likes of those who were afar off! You adopted into Your family those who were rejected, and claimed as Your own those who were outcasts, of whom I am one! In Christ Jesus I have been ushered out of the outer darkness and into Your inner sanctum, and been granted access to You! When I find myself feeling alone and rejected, in this truth I find comfort: I am Yours and You are mine! My soul rejoices this morning knowing this truth! I confess there are times when I wander through life, isolated and an island unto myself. It is then that You open up the heavens and remind me that I am never alone and that You will always be with me. My heart jumps in knowing that eventually the veil of mortality that separates me from You will be rent, and I will see You, understanding fully that I was never truly by myself! Oh, my King, thank You for loving me so much that You sent Jesus to sure up my future! Help me today to walk confidently in that knowledge, knowing indeed that it has not yet appeared what I shall be like; but when He appears I shall be like Him! My soul rests in that hope. Amen!