October 14, 2024

At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the LORD’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed.

Deuteronomy 15:1-2

Father God, my heart is overwhelmed with the reality of Your love for us and how You have provided example after example of it in Your Scriptures. That I can say this day that You have cancelled all my debts, forgiven me of all that I owe You as a result of my sins through the blood of Jesus, I cannot fully fathom. My soul prods me, saying that there has to be something that I owe You, some price I have to pay. After all, I live in a world where transactions happen all the time. The very best that we acquire only comes from an exchange of things of equal worth. What do I have that can compare or even come close to the value of what You have given to me in Christ?

LORD, the reality is nothing. I have nothing that I can render to You that will ever come close to paying what You have paid for me. On the contrary, I owe a tremendous debt and You have declared it paid in full through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ! The fact that You have cancelled the debt that I have amassed through my sinfulness, have redeemed me, set me free from my slavery to sin, this indeed is a glorious and wonderful jubilee that is mine in Christ Jesus! My soul cries out thank You! Today, help me to walk in that knowledge, paying it forward to all who are indebted to me. Even as You, as the Supreme Creditor, have cancelled every debt owed You, give me not only the heart, but also the resolve to do the same for others. LORD, compel me to forgive what is owed me and calling the debts of others paid in full through Christ Jesus. Let my little be much in bringing You glory! In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen!