October 16, 2023

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Colossians 2:6-7

Father God, I thank You for what I have learned of Christ, His humility and unfailing love for me. I thank You for the sacrifice that He made on my behalf, loving me in spite of me, and seeing in me something worthy of dying for. He saw the best in me, my potential in Him, and laid it on the line that I could be ushered into Your family. Today, I purpose to walk in that knowledge, knowing that I am indeed rooted and built up in Him. He has indeed established me and I grasp hold to that reality by faith, clinging to it, for it indeed inspires and drives me to do my best for Your glory. I have all that I stand in the need of because of Him. My heart is overwhelmed! Fill me this day with Your precious Spirit and open my eyes to the glorious work You are doing in my midst so that I can give back to You a portion of what You have given to me. Grant me opportunities to let my light so shine that others might see Jesus in me and be drawn to Him. I am eternally grateful and thankful for all that You have done for me, in me, and through me. Thank You Father for Your endless love and unmerited favor. I worship You this day and bow before You in gratitude. Thank You in Jesus’ Name. Amen.