See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Colossians 2:8
Father God, help me to guard my heart and mind today against the ideals and trappings of this world. I live in a society where success is defined by what one has, who one knows, and what one has accomplished. People are placed upon a pedestal, elevated for things that are valued in this world. Those who are most seen and most aligned with the world get more, are recognized for their contributions, and are given proverbial “pats on the back” by the masses. They are viewed as the leaders everyone should want to be like. The result is that this is the desire and drive of many, hungering for acknowledgement and appreciation for what they individually bring to the relationship. Everyone wants to be viewed as special, as one-of-a-kind, without equal. I confess that I am often drawn to those things, seeking the approval from external sources, people pleasing, with a smile on my face in hopes of being viewed as exceptional. And like a moth drawn to the flame I get too close and find myself singed by its intensity. This is not of You, the accolades and recognition being inflamed by the philosophy and empty deceit of this world. Instead, You have declared that I am unique in my purposes in Christ. You have placed a value on me that transcends this world’s ideals. You have fearfully and wonderfully made me. Master, help me to continually find my value and worth in You. Help me to shun the traditions of this world and instead passionately seek to be found in Christ. Well up within me the ability to resist the pull of my flesh and those around me, and instead fuel the desire to run fervidly towards You and the cross. It is only as I decrease that Jesus can increase within me. Help me to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and this to Your glory. LORD, remind me that who I am is bound up in You. I pray this in Jesus’ Name.