He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:15-16
LORD Jesus, I come before You this morning acknowledging that I was created by You and for You. In forming me You established the course of my life, bestowing upon me the skills and capabilities necessary to accomplish Your will. You poured out Your Holy Spirit within me, sealing me until that day when You return, ushering me through the door into eternity with You. It is with a heart of praise that I come before You, marveling at Your handiwork both in me and around me. I yield myself to You this day in order that You might use me in some way to advance Your kingdom purposes. As You exercise dominion over that which is seen and unseen, disclose to me how You want me to show up so that I might be able to participate in the works of Your hands in this world. Have Your way, I pray, to Your glory. Amen!