And the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. And Moses said, “I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.” When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”
Exodus 3:2-4
LORD, over the course of this day, I commit to looking for all of the signs that You are attempting to get my attention. I confess that I can be caught up in the rush and noise of everyday life that either my attention span is limited or my eyes are on the urgency of “now.” And in all of that I miss You, often finding myself struggling to just stay afloat, missing You in the midst of my mayhem. Have mercy!
My heart is convicted today because of the many times that my stubborn heart requires You to go the extra mile in order for me to stop and see what You are attempting to say to me. I so want to be better because there is nothing sweeter and more soul satisfying than to hear You speaking to me.
So, today, I declare, “Speak LORD; Your servant is listening.” Speak through the voices of those You bring across my path. Speak through the events that transpire beyond my control. Speak by Your Holy Spirit through Your Word. Whatever means You deem necessary, speak LORD for Your servant is listening. I love You and my soul longs to have fellowship with You today and everyday. Speak LORD in Jesus’ Name. Amen.