But God said to me, You may not build a house for my name, for you are a man of war and have shed blood.’ Yet the LORD God of Israel chose me from all my father’s house to be king over Israel forever.
1 Chronicles 28:3-4
Father God, as I go through this day there will be things that my heart longs to do that You will tell me no, it’s not for me. I know this because there have been things that I have wanted and have wanted to do and to be that You have clearly shut the door on, based upon what I have either done in my past or who I have been in my present. I confess it is easy for me to become disappointed in this because I do want so much more, whether it is of this world or of the things of You. Yet, it rings in my spirit that You are saying no.
I thank You today that saying no You always point me to who You have called me to be, chosen me to be, in You. Though I may never be this great and famous “whatever” in this world, I have been called out of this world to be part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation. While my eyes are so focused on what You will not give me, they should be trained in on what You have given me! How infantile of me to whine about not being allowed to have a piece of fruit when You have laid before me a king’s banquet!
I pray today that You would continue to remind me of all that You have given me in Christ Jesus. Help me to find not only contentment but joy in all that is mine in Him. I have become a child of God through His sacrifice! What is better than that? As I walk in this knowledge, grant me the power to shake off the minor disappointments from not getting my way to embrace that in Jesus I have been given everything that I could ever hope for in this world. I pray this in His Name. Amen.