But Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to your saints at Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on your name.”
Acts 9:13-14
Lord, my soul is grateful that I serve a God like You! In a world where those who are charged to watch over us don’t allow us to question their orders or directions, You not only listen to our questions and concerns, You welcome them in order that You might be able to address whatever is in our minds that might hinder our full-hearted obedience. Like the loving Father that You are, You encourage us to bring all of our questions and concerns to You. There, You provide us with the answers we need in the moment. They may not be what we want. But in the end they do provide the clarity we need to move forward with Your will.
I confess I need that guidance. The saying I love to say rings true as I meditate on these verses: Spoon feed me or I’ll starve. I am sometimes too dull to get what You are doing in the moment, so caught up in what I am feeling about the task or the person or my own agenda to see Yours.
But I praise You for the privilege of being able to just tell You what is on my mind and the confidence in knowing that You will provide the clarity I need to step out in faith. You don’t resolve all my questions. But You do show me the light that I need to walk towards. And for this I say thank You!
Grant me the courage to share with You my reservations and my hesitation regarding stepping out in faith. I pray for Spirit led resolve, holding fast to my confidence in You. I know that You have my back. I trust You. Therefore, show me where You want me. And if any questions come to my mind, I will share them with You. Answer them as You see fit and it will give me peace. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.