Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.
2 Thessalonians 3:16
Lord Jesus, my prayer this day is simple. I ask for Your peace. You said in Your Word that You would leave Your peace with us, and that peace would be a stabilizing force in our lives, enabling us not to be troubled (John 14:27). With all the turmoil going on around us – wars, unrest, scandals, hatred, the list goes on – it is difficult for my soul to find a place of serenity. Only at Your feet can I ever hope to find what my soul longs for.Â
You are the Prince of Peace and the Supreme Source of it. So I pray, Lord, for Your peace to rest on me. Help me to find the oasis of bliss in the midst of the mayhem where You beckon the souls of the weary to come and find their rest. I pray that You would send a calm over my spirit through the work of the Holy Spirit within me, easing my fears while focusing my eyes on You. Lord, in You I have all I stand in the need of. Be with me throughout this day. Whisper Your peace into my soul that I might find my rest in You to Your glory. Amen.