October 4, 2023

He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.

Colossians 1:18

Lord Jesus, I submit to You this morning, acknowledging that You are Lord. It is easy for me to forget that You are my head, the One Who determines the direction I should go. Many times I follow my instincts and impulses, giving minimal thought to calling upon You to provide guidance. In some instances it turns out okay, Your grace shielding me from the full consequences that should have come my way. And the reality is that in those instances it is rarely soul satisfying. Only when I seek Your face first do I find peace in my journey, knowing that I can handle whatever comes my way because I am walking with You. Therefore, this morning I put You first. You are my Sovereign Head. Your life is my example. Where You lead, I will follow. I crucify my flesh and all that is within me that might attempt to take precedent in my life. I bring into submission every thought that is contrary to You and Your Lordship. I humbly submit myself to You that You might be glorified by my thoughts, words and deeds. Have You way this day. Amen.