On that day there shall be a fountain opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and uncleanness.
Zechariah 13:1
LORD God, the song that comes to my mind proclaims,
“There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains”
Indeed, that is my testimony this day. Because of the gracious sacrifice of my Savior, all of my sins have been forgiven – past, present and future. Through Christ’s sacrifice I have been given access to You. And by Your Holy Spirit I am enabled to walk in a manner that pleases You. LORD, my life was irrevocably changed when You came into it. I have not been the same. And for this transformation I give You praise this day!
Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son, Jesus, to do for me what no one would ever do for me. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for loving me enough to endure the torture and ridicule that You endured on that rugged cross, staying there when You could have come down, and shouldering a burden that I could not carry. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for not only empowering me to walk in the newness of life, but also reminding me of who I am and Whose I am, helping me not to settle for what the world has to say about me.
And LORD God, it all happened because You opened up for me a fountain that cleansed me from sin and uncleanness. Hallelujah! Thank You!