September 1, 2023

If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

John 14:7

Lord Jesus, how, in knowing You I know the Father is far beyond my comprehension! Your Oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit is beyond my ability to grasp! How You think Their thoughts and know Their ways, and how You are completely and harmoniously One with Them is too wonderful and awe-inspiring for me to even begin to lay hold of! The Divine Union between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is one of the most unsearchable mysteries of Your Person. Yet, it demonstrates how completely different You are than me! My soul longs for that same kind of connectedness with You. That I might think Your thoughts after You and be one with You is my soul’s aspiration! I recognize that there is within me this sinful tendency to want to be a god. Yet, my desire is not to be You but instead to be one with You. Today I bring into submission any thought or unction that would seek to raise me up in my sight or the sight of others. I surrender myself to You in humble submission, yielding to Your guidance through the Holy Spirit, Who miraculously dwells within me. I ask that You would transform my will into Your will in order that I might be fully aligned with the will of the Father. Lord, there is no one like You! I give myself to You today! I thank You for the reminder that in You and by You I have access to God, all three Persons, Who not only governs me but is daily transforming me into the person You have called me to be in You. I fall before You and worship You this morning, my God. Be glorified by Your servant. I pray this in Your Name. Amen.