September 12, 2024

For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Hebrews 2:18

Lord Jesus, my soul finds great comfort in knowing that You know what I am struggling with. Yes, I know that You are God and know all things. But the fact that You know what it is to suffer, understanding the full weight of the temptations that I carry because You have gone through it Yourself, there is something far different and far greater that it brings forth. I don’t ever have to think in my mind that You do not understand what I am going through because You do at a level no one else in this world can. Yes, there are people who have to deal with the same challenges that I do. Yet, they do not have the added benefit of divine knowledge and insight that You do. Oh that I would always find comfort in this blessed gift!

Today I ask that You would continue to make Your presence known to me, comforting me by Your Spirit as I face the challenges that come my way. I pray that You would continue to encourage me to stay the course, knowing that You have not only endured far worse than what I am fighting through, but have overcome. And by Your Spirit I know that I shall also. Thank You for not only Your example, but also Your fellowship in association! Your love for me is without match. Thank You! Amen.