September 13, 2023

…but the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them.

Matthew 14:24

Lord Jesus, my soul draws near to You this morning, knowing that the further I am from You the more the torrents of life beat up against me. In Your presence there is unfathomable peace, safety, and security. I confess I regularly forget the calm that I have when I am with You, vying instead for the hustle and bustle of life and its ever changing dynamics. Yet, it is when the change is more than I can handle, when the waves are beating violently against the side of the boat, and the winds are whipping around ferociously, that I realize that I am a long ways away from You, having drifted off on my own. Yes, I might be going in the direction that You have called me to go. But I have gone without You. And LORD, I don’t want to be there. You are the Prince of Peace, the Shepherd and Bishop of my soul. Today, I rush to Your feet and declare that I won’t move forward without You first going with me. No destination is worth being at without You there. Come LORD into my circumstances. Meet me where I am at. Find me in the midst of the storms, and usher me into Your presence. Where You are there is unfathomable peace, safety, and security. I want to be where You are. Bring me in. Amen.