September 29, 2023

He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Colossians 1:13-14

My God, I praise and glorify Your Name this day for the magnificent salvation that is mine through Your Son, Jesus Christ! My soul rejoices because You pulled me out of the pit of despair, removing from me the stains of my sinfulness, and imputed to me the righteousness of Christ! Because of His finished work I am now no longer estranged and abandoned, but instead am a child of God, adopted into Your family because of the love that You and He had for me! He purchased me, redeeming me by His blood, rescuing me from the domain of darkness and ushering me into Your Kingdom of Light, sealing me by the Holy Spirit until the day when He returns for me! This day I celebrate the fact that I am not my own, but have been bought with a price, and am eternally grateful to You for this marvelous work of salvation! Use me today to spread the good news about this glorious gift that You are offering to all who might call upon the Name of Jesus. Let the words of my mouth and my acts of love compel someone who has placed their trust in things of this world come to a realization of they need You! You, my LORD, are the answer to all of this world’s troubles. Oh that others would taste and see that You are good! Use me to bring forth Your praises this day in the Name of Jesus! To His glory I pray this. Amen!