O LORD, I have heard the report of you, and your work, O LORD, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy.
Habakkuk 3:2
Lord how often are we or am I close but far? How often have I drawn near only to realize that I am a distance from You within my heart, separated from You by some carnal thing I have put in place or by some sin that I am harboring. And then, when I take a look at what separates me from You I find myself wondering if I can ever be worthy of being in Your presence.
This morning my soul celebrates the fact that You are the God of all mercy and all grace, that You have it in abundance and even now compel me to call out to You that I might grasp hold to that which was purchased for me by the blood of Jesus! I pray today that You would stir up Your pot of grace and dole out portions to Your servant that I might feast on Your goodness this day. Remember me in the midst of my going through and remind me of Your tender mercies that are new every morning. This day I purpose to taste and see. While I endure you discipline help me to keep my eyes on your love, grace and mercy. Though the pill be bitter that I must swallow, remind me that it will indeed be soothing to my soul. As I stir up the gifts that You have placed in me, be glorified in me and through me. Let the testimony of my life be a banner of hope to all who see me as I strive to walk closer to You. I Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.