And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.
1 John 1:4
My Lord Jesus, no greater joy do I get than to share the truths of Your love with others, whether they are hearing of it for the first time or have themselves experienced it and embraced it for their own. It is amazing how my heart lights up and I get all giddy inside! There is something about two people speaking of Your goodness and declaring Your glory to each other that just takes our souls to another level! Kindred spirits seeking something beyond this world, knowing that in You all of our hearts’ desires are met. It is altogether glorious and satisfying all at the same time!
Today, it is my deepest desire to make my joy complete by sharing of Your glorious goodness with someone else. I purpose today to secure my joy through praise and worship, whether alone or in the company of others. But my heart’s desire is to do so with someone else. I want to share with someone else how good You have been.
Send folks my way, Lord, that I might testify to them of Who You are and what You have done for me. Help me to overcome the fear of rejection and ridicule. Instead, I purpose to be intentional regarding my conversations, seeking opportunities to let those, with whom I am in dialog, know that I am a child of the Most High God, saved through Your precious blood, and in eternal relationship with You! For those who look at me thinking that I am crazy, I declare with David that I will be more undignified than this because I have crazy love for You!
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the joy of my salvation. Yes, I praise You this day and everyday for You are altogether good! Hallelujah! Glory to You, my King!