September 5, 2024

And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.

Titus 3:14

Lord Jesus I am eternally grateful this day for the care in which You have taken to supply my needs. Through others You have revealed Your hand in my life and theirs, showing me through them that You have not forgotten me nor them. You have used their good works towards me as a sign of Your love for me. But what is most astonishing is that You have used the joy that those who have poured their lives into me experience as a sign of Your love for them. It blows my mind how You bless the giver and the recipient at the same time! 

I pray today that You would bless the works of my hands that are directed towards lifting up others. Help me to be diligent in my efforts to glorify You by my deeds. It is not enough to speak about Your love. I want to show it. Open my eyes to the opportunities that You place before me to demonstrate Your love in a tangible way in somebody’s life. Help me to prioritize them, letting them take precedence over matters of less urgency. I pray that You would use me, enabling me to be Your tangible sign of love to someone. My desire is for You to be glorified, not for me to celebrated. Help me to walk in Your shadow and do Your bidding to bless others today that all eyes might be upon You.