
He came into my life as a rescue. Although I am unsure of his true origins, the story goes that he was the beloved pet of a family, the mother being his primary caregiver. She took critically ill, and Toby with his protective instinct, guarded her with his life. When her young son could no longer come near to his ailing mother, the father realizing that his son was no match for a 100 pound doberman, surrendered Toby to DARE. In the midst of my loneliness in Baltimore, I made the decision in January to adopt a dog. The rest is history. Toby is now a beloved member of my family.

My challenge, or so I thought, was to teach Toby what life would be in my household. Little did I know that Toby would teach me what life is like in God’s household…

Where ever I am in the house, not far behind me is Toby. When I make my way to the kitchen he is there. When I sit on the couch, he is beside me, to lay his paws and head across my lap. And when I go to bed at night, his silhouette is there laying beside me on his pillow. Believing this to be his attachment to people, I thought this behavior would “transfer” to my family. After all, when in the Brook they assist me in feeding the pup. Yet, what I soon found out was that this behavior is focused only on me, Toby abandoning the comfort of Evan or Benjamin or Weldon’s lap to rush to my side once I enter the room. Why is this? It is because Toby is my dog. His obedience and faithfulness is tied to me. It is his sole desire to be with and to be in relationship with me. What I am learning is that he seeks to please me. And when he knows he has done something I do not like, he seeks to restore the relationship.

Reflecting on my God and dog, I have realized I need to be more like Toby. I need to long to be in the presence of my Master. I need to follow Him into the “kitchen” to feast on the Word that He provides. I need to sit on His lap and be comforted by His presence. I need to rest next to Him, finding my peace in His presence. I like Toby have been adopted, ushered into a family that was not my own and welcomed in with loving arms. I now have members who will assist in my care. I am no longer alone and rejected by my previous father, but am now a son, a true son. I am not my own, but have been bought with a price…

The power of God and dog.

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